Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bread & Roses: "The Singing Strike" Centennial Celebration in Los Angeles

Next Sunday I'm going to do read poetry at

Bread & Roses "The Singing Strike"
Centennial Celebration 1912-2012- with song, spoken word and film
A Benefit for the Garment Worker Center & the United Service Workers West (janitors)

March 25th,
doors open 4 pm
828 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles 90015

with Ross Altman, Lee Boek, Janna Cazden, Linda Fisher, Andry Griggs,
Jill Holden, the Leftous sisters, Emma Rosenthal, Julia Stein,
Teatro Jornalero Sin Frontreras, and Teatro Urbano

Endorsers: Arbeter Ring So Call, CA Faculty Assn., CSUDH, LA College Staff Guild
AFT 1521, CLUE-LA, Coffee Party, Fellowship of Reconciliation, ICUJP, IWW-LA,
Jewish Labor Committee, La County Federation of Labor, MLK Coalition for Jobs,
Justice and Peace, Occupy the Hood, San Pedro Laborfest, SEIU-USWW, Sholem Community,
UNITED HERE Local 11, USW Local 675, and the WE Project